Transsexual dating is not as same as regular dating and most of the time, guys take it very easily and make common mistakes that result they lose their transsexual date and never get it back. However, most of the time, men are quite confused or bit nervous that what to do and how to approach a transsexual women on their first date and due to lack of ideas or confidence, they lose their first transsexual date with no result. I have seen many guys that try to impress a transsexual woman and go out for a date with no clue how to start, what to talk with her and in the last they come back with bare hand and lose the best chance of hookup a transsexual woman in their life.
However, dating a transsexual is not as difficult and you need to change few things in you and you can see the success ration you get in your transsexual date will change amazingly and you will really going to enjoy your transsexual date with your t-woman.
Here are the common mistakes that you should not made while going out for a date with a transsexual woman –
Never take an advantage for your transsexual date – you are on a trans date with her but it really doesn’t matter that you will take advantage of this. Never force her for sex right on your first date. This is common thinking of men that a transsexual woman will easily available for sex but it’s not at all correct. Show your patience and try to impress her with your words, character and give time to yourself and her so that your relationship will build up and you will have a long term relationship.
Don’t think transsexuals women loves porn – Porn movies are only for making money, fun and entertainment. If you make and illusion about your transsexual date with a porn movie than it’s your big mistake and you must stop yourself right now.
Don’t take your date as a granted – It’s a transsexual date and you are dating with a transsexual date so never thinks that you are doing any favor on her as you are cis man and still dating a transsexual woman. It’s better to build your relationship with trust and love instead of arrogance and a pride of cis men.
Don’t make any statement about gender and your relationship – It’s better to avoid any conversation that is related to gender or past relationship. Never tell her that you are not gay and love to date transsexual women. They know that already as that’s why you are here with her. Transsexual women really like a straight men with full of confidence. So bring a man in front of your date instead of giving excuses about sexuality.
Respect your date – It’s quite clear that you are dating a trans woman and you know that very well that she is a transsexual. So, never call or disrespect her by calling tranny, Shemale or ladyboy. Make her feel comfortable with you so that both of you can enjoy your date.